Jak w tytule już serwer jest on-line. Mieliśmy dość zmasowany atak DDoS. Była to próba nieautoryzowanego wejścia do zasobów naszego serwera. Na szczęście nieudana. Atak realizowany był głównie z dwóch adresów [na teraz jedynie poglądowe dane]:
As in the title, the server already is online. We had quite a massive DDoS attack. It was an attempt of unauthorized access to the sources of our server. Fortunately unsuccessful. The attack was carried out mainly for two addresses [for now, only the illustrative data]:
As in the title, the server already is online. We had quite a massive DDoS attack. It was an attempt of unauthorized access to the sources of our server. Fortunately unsuccessful. The attack was carried out mainly for two addresses [for now, only the illustrative data]: - Appnor MSP SA Bucuresti, Romania - CHINANET-ZJ Shaoxing, Zhejiang, China
Ich użytkownicy zostali juz zbanowani i mam nadzieję, że nie podejmą po raz kolejny tego rodzaju próby. W innym przypadku przekażemy wszystkie nasze ustalenia właściwym służbom.
Their users are already banned, and I hope they will not attempt this kind of attack, again. Otherwise, we will pass all of our findings to the competent services.
Their users are already banned, and I hope they will not attempt this kind of attack, again. Otherwise, we will pass all of our findings to the competent services.