Udostępniłem kernele wersji v70.19 Premium & Standard oparte na źródłach Linux-5.0.19 . O zmianach w źródłach kernela można się dowiedzieć studiując linki - git.kernel.org
Kernele Premium & Standard zbudowane są na udostępnionym gcc (eXt73-build_v4.5) 9.1.1 20190511.
Kolejno budowane będą juz kernele v71.xx oparte o żródla Linux-5.1.x.
I released a new version of my v70.19 Premium & Standard based on Linux-5.0.19 sources. You can find out about changes in kernel sources by studying the links - git.kernel.org
Premium & Standard kernels are built on shared gcc (eXt73-build_v4.5) 9.1.1 20190511.
Subsequently, the v71.xx kernels based on the Linux-5.1.x source will be built

Kolejno budowane będą juz kernele v71.xx oparte o żródla Linux-5.1.x.
I released a new version of my v70.19 Premium & Standard based on Linux-5.0.19 sources. You can find out about changes in kernel sources by studying the links - git.kernel.org
Premium & Standard kernels are built on shared gcc (eXt73-build_v4.5) 9.1.1 20190511.
Subsequently, the v71.xx kernels based on the Linux-5.1.x source will be built
